• BSc in 1990 – University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, Croatia
• MSc in 2002 – Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Field Crop Growing
• PhD in 2010 – Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad
Teaching Career
• University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, 1991, Teaching Assistant – trainee
• Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Faculty of Agriculture Novi Sad, 1992/1996, Technical Associate
• Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad,1996/2002, Teaching Assistant – trainee
• Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, 2002/2010, Teaching Assistant
• Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, 2010/2015, Assistant Professor
• Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, 2015, Associate Professor in Field and Vegetable Crops
• Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, 2021, Full Professor in Field and Vegetable Crops
Professional Training / Specializations
• Completed a number of study trips to Germany, Romania, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Russia, Switzerland, and Poland, participated in national and international conferences and international project meetings in Europe.
• Authored more than 260 papers published in national or international journals, and in national or international conferences. Authored 27 papers published in SCI journals, co-authored two national monographs, two course books and three handbooks.
• Dr. Dragana Latković participated in 15 projects: six research projects supported by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of RS and one research project supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of RS; participated in four and coordinated one project supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development; participated in one project of research and technological cooperation supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government (coordinated the project as the representative of the Faculty of Agriculture Novi Sad); one international project supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and coordinated one IPA project supported by the EU.
Academic Activity
• Teaching Field and Vegetable Crops to undergraduate (BSc) and postgraduate students (MSc, PhD)
• Mentor of one PhD, five Master’s theses and 13 graduation papers, and a member of many BSc, MSc and PhD evaluation committees.
• Serbian Plant Physiology Society
• Serbian Society of Soil Science
• ESA – European Society for Agronomy
• Invited lecturer at four international conferences
• Organized eight research and technical conferences
• Head of the Department of Field and Vegetable Crops, Faculty of Agriculture Novi Sad in 2012 – 2021
• Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Soil Science Belgrade
• President of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, 2021-2024
• Member of the Council of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade as of 2024
• English language – independent user
• Mother of one child

He completed the postdoctoral training in soybean breeding at the North Carolina State University, USA in 2000, and at the Changchun University of Agricultural and Animal Sciences, P.R. China in 2001.
He has authored or co-authored more than 200 research papers, and one monograph of national importance. He has authored or co-authored 64 soybean cultivars registered in Serbia and 56 soybean cultivars released abroad, notably Merkur, Galina, NS Vulkan, NS Apolo, NS Maximus, NS Ventis, and NS Kolos, among others.
Dr. Jegor Miladinović reviews articles in SCI indexed journals Scientific Reports, European Journal of Agronomy, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry and Euphytica, and is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Plant Variety Research and Protection. He coordinated three and participated in nine national technology development projects. He has participated on seven Horizon Europe projects (BELIS, CROPINNO, MIDAS, CARINA, AGROSERV, EMPHASIS-GO, ECO-READY), three Horizon 2020 projects (EUCLEG, ECOBREED, Legumes Translated), and one FAO project (TCP/RER/3504). He received Prof. Lazar Stojković Award granted by the Matica Srpska for outstanding scientific achievements in 2000, and is the permanent honorable member of Matica Srpska. European Seed elected him among the 20 most innovative breeders in 2019, and his soybean cultivar NS Blackstar among the 20 most innovative cultivars in 2020.
Dr. Jegor Miladinović has been the Vice President of the Committee for the Release of Varieties at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia since 2008. He was the Head of the Soybean Department in 2005-2011, and a member of the Board of Directors of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in 2010-2013. He was appointed Acting Director of the Institute in April 2013, and held the position of Institute Director from July 2013 to October 2015. In October 2015 he was appointed Advisor for Plant Breeding and Genetics at the Soybean Department. In the period 2018-2020 he was the Head of the Soybean Department and the President of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, after which he was again appointed as the Institute Director. Furthermore, he was elected coordinator of the European Soybean Breeding Network (ESBN) at the ESBN start-up meeting in November 2018. He served as a member of the Scientific Board of the World Soybean Research Conference 11 (WSRC11) held in Vienna in June 2023.